Tuesday, January 12, 2010


the new year continued thus:

Annemarie and I went to see

I was sick in bed for a few days

brown rice miso soup with tofu, fresh baby spinach and a splat of hot sauce

and after I arose and before we took Jakob back to college, I got a pair of new shoes

to help me show off future new pairs of handknit socks.


  1. Love the shoes! And that you got to see Wicked. Now go dance away from all germs in those feet.

  2. I love the shoes! They make me want to go shoe shopping.

  3. Hope you're dancing a jig in those fancy dancy shoes in no time!

  4. Hey I got a new pair of Mary-Janes too! I can't remember when was the last time I had a pair like that, but they are so cute and so comfortable. We are doing a lot of soup in our house too, for the sick people, plus I really like them.


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